
About us

Welcome to Harmony In Her Heart, the career and personal finance blog that is dedicated to helping people save more, spend wisely and secure their financial future.

For too long women have been earning consistently less than their male counterparts and failing to develop the skills necessary to better invest their finances and make more money.

You Deserve More

We deserve more – more money, more career advancements and more chances to invest. That’s why Harmony In Her Heart is here, a personal finance blog for everyone.

Too many intelligent, ambitious people are losing out financially due to lack of financial knowledge.

Whether you are worried about your retirement fund, lowering your debts, your student loans, your mortgage repayments or how to get a better return on your savings and investment – we will give you real, honest advice that doesn’t come wrapped up in financial jargon and hidden price tags.

We want to empower both men and women to manage their own money and make the world of finance more accessible, so that you can make all the right decisions for your financial future.

Every article will address a key financial concern:

You can’t achieve your financial goals without the necessary knowledge and skills.

If you share our vision or just want to say HELLO then get in touch or join us on Facebook or Pinterest.